Friday, November 1, 2013

Petit Déjeuner (Breakfast)

Our breakfast meal is always served in the open air restaurant at the Fana Hotel.  Even in the early morning, the overhead fans are on to move the hot air around.  The food is served buffet style and resembles a European breakfast without the meat.  The croissants are yummy...especially the chocolate ones!  There are always slices of pound cake, plain crepes and hard rolls.  Brown eggs are hard boiled for peel and eat.   Diced fruit - mostly apples, pears and oranges with an occasional mango - plain yogurt and a box of corn flakes round out the menu.  And of course, orange juice, tea, coffee and even cocoa powder for hot chocolate.  Some of the guys in our group are missing bacon and sausage from home, but for me, it kind of feels like what I would make for myself at home for breakfast...fruit, yogurt, toast, this meal always feels comfortable for me here!

#ibmcsc senegal

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