Wednesday, October 9, 2013

1 day and ..... butterflies!!

As I'm finishing up packing my bags tonight, I'm giving more thought to the expectations that have been swimming through my mind over the past few weeks of preparations.

I have a flurry of emotions and loads of butterflies today...

I'm convinced this will be an experience of a lifetime!
I'm mindful of how emotional I can be...too tender hearted for my own good sometimes. 
I'm anticipating seeing a city that bears no resemblance to what I've experienced in my life.
I'm anxious to meet the clients I'll be working with.  I'm quite impressed by their enthusiasm and passion to help entrepreneurs in Senegal.
I'm expecting to see a city caught between the past and in tradition yet hungry for advancement.
I'm expecting to fumble around with the French language...but that's OK!
I know I'll miss being home with Chris and the cats...but I know they are very capable of surviving without me! 
I'm GRATEFUL for all the prayers and support of dear friends and family who have encouraged me along this journey so far.

 I'm ready to go....let the adventure begin!

#ibmcsc senegal

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