Friday, October 25, 2013

Wednesday, October 23 - Roadside Security

It's mind boggling to think that I've been in Dakar 2 weeks already.  I'm noticing that I'm far more comfortable with all my surroundings by now and things aren't quite as shocking as they were the first few days I was here.  I've gotten used to the sights and smells that I found so very shocking the first couple of days here.  In retrospect, I was no doubt in sensory overload!! 

Now, I can observe other happenings in the city.  As an example, on Wednesday and Thursday of this week there has been a meeting here in Dakar of the West Africa Monetary Union where all of the presidents of the West Africa nations are gathered.  All along our normal route to work, every few hundred yards there were armed guards lining the streets.  In fact, there seem to be armed guards everywhere in this city right now.  Every so often flat bed trucks roll by filled with miliary guys sitting in the back in the open air.  We've been given strict instructions not to take pictures of government buildings or any kind of government personnel.  So, I won't be taking any pictures, but you can envision uniformed police and miliary with large weapons (machine guns maybe?...I'm not good at recognizing one gun from the next) strapped across their bodies.  Quite a site!

#ibmcsc senegal

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