Monday, October 28, 2013

Saturday, October 26th - Saly (Resort)

 Now I understand why some people say they come to Senegal for vacation!  On Saturday, we spent the day in Saly (also called Sali or Saly Portudal) which is a lovely seaside resort area on the Petite Côte of Senegal, south of Dakar. It's the top tourist destination in all of West Africa....and there are good reasons why!  Once you get inside the walls of one of the resorts, it's a little piece of heaven, just like you'd find at any lovely sea side resort in the US, Mexico or Europe.  It was just beautiful and so peaceful!!  A real switch from all the noise and chaos in Dakar.

That's Nalini Munuru (left, from India) and I (right) lounging on the beach!  It was so beautiful and peaceful on the sandy beach that we stayed outside all day.  But the resort had a lovely spa area as well...quite posh!

#ibmcsc senegal

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you, Lisa! Looks like the team had a wonderful time at Saly. It was not the same for us due to a "confusion" with our accommodation when we were in Saly last year. Really envious :)
