Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday, October 20th - The Reserve of Bandia

OK...for those of you who were wondering if I'm going on Safari while here in Senegal, the answer is yes!  We spent this morning at the Reserve Bandia.  I've included a link here because there is some nice background information on the work that Reserve has done since 1997 to reintroduce endangered animals.  Since this area is coming out of their rainy season, the foliage was lush and green which made eye-spying animals a bit more challenging, but you'll see that we got "up close and personal" with a few!

Chris took me to see the Lion King at the KY Center a couple years back for my birthday.  The opening song Circle of Life keeps rolling around in my mind.  It was a really wonderful morning in the fresh air, sunshine and quiet of such a large open space in Senegal.   

   #ibmcsc senegal

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