Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday, October 11th - Senegal at last!

The flight was fairly bumpy at times, but on the whole, uneventful...exactly the way I like trans-Atlantic flights!  Because our flight landed at 5:45AM it was the only arriving flight at that time so getting thru Customs was quite easy.  (And my luggage made it safely as well after several tight connections!)  We were met by our in-country host Mamour Ba - what a blessing!  It was quite overwhelming to walk through all the men trying to  "hawk" their services on arriving travellers at the airport exit...and we were in the dark no less!

We have safely checked into the Fana Hotel in Dakar.  As I walked out of the front door of the hotel after unpacking my bags I saw this gentleman gathering grasses to feed his horse.   

#ibmcsc senegal

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