Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday, October 27th - Lake Retba or Lac Rose (Pink Lake)

This place is such a cool natural phenomenon!  The lake is named for its pink waters (no joke!), caused by an algae (Dunaliella salina algae to be specific) in the water that produce a red pigment that uses sunlight to create more energy which turns the waters pink.  (I Googled this to make sure I understood it!) 

The color is particularly visible during the dry season, which they're just beginning here in Senegal.  The heavy rains during their rainy season has raised the water level of the lake, so the pink isn't quite as visible right now, but there is no denying the high salt content of the water which, like the Dead Sea, allows people to float easily.  The lake also has a small salt collecting industry...and LOTS of local artists selling their wood carvings and beaded jewelry in small shacks lining the shore.  The water level was still so high that there were large sand bags sitting in the shallow water acting as a pathway so that all the shacks could be reached by the visitors.  I had a blast bartering with the shop keepers for good prices on all my treasures.  I improved the economy of the Pink Lake area and put a nice dent in my Christmas shopping!!

#ibmcsc senegal

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